Have you ever taken a photo where the background was just… bleh… I think we’ve all done that at some point or another.

Back in 2010, straight after I’d purchased my lights, I got a friend of mine to dress up in some soccer clothes and go to a nearby park to test out the new lights that I’d just purchased. I took a whole bunch of shots that served its purpose of understanding how to use the lights. Other than that, they were fairly average shots, as the background was fairly average.

Just over 1 and a half years on, I’ve now finally got enough Photoshop knowledge to fix up the photo. I’ve replaced the background with something a little more dramatic and made the whole image a little moodier.

The result is something that’s a lot more improved than straight out the camera with the current environment. I tried not to do too much retouching on the subject as I wasn’t doing this to prove that I could retouch a person, but more so to show that I was capable of compositing an image.

Let me know what you think of the result?

Categories: Uncategorized

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